Bruckmayr, Dietmar: Aria of the lost genes

Bruckmayr, Dietmar: Aria of the lost genes

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Title Aria of the lost genes
Type Music, Performance, Vocal music, Sound performance, Body-art / Live-art
Date 18 June 2002
Venue Dvorišče Galerije Kapelica / Kapelica Gallery Courtyard
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production Kapelica Gallery
Language English
Format 720x576 pxl
Duration 15' 09"
Registration number KAP-2002-PERF-105


The body connected to electronic devices turns into an instrument revealing a fanatic aria, which is an ode to the power of life. The performance took place on an improvised elevated stage in the Kapelica Gallery courtyard. The artist used a microphone, wrapped in a black condom to create painful impacts on the body's resonant surfaces.



Break21, the 6th international festival of emerging artists, was entitled Dead or Alive. The apocalyptic tone of the syntagm Dead or Alive involves the staging as well as practical thinking on the paradigms of the living, semi-living, semi-dead and dead. Their contemporary transformations have evolved from trends and changes in science and technology, reaching out also to religious and ideological concepts and psychological states.


Curator Olga Majcen Linn, Sunčica Ostoić

Artist, artistic group


Festival Break21: Dead or Alive, Ljubljana, 18 June 2002 – 7 July 2002


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