Sedlaček, Sašo: Beggar

Sedlaček, Sašo: Beggar

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Title Beggar
Type Media art, Contemporary art practice, Programmed / software art, Robotic art, Artivism, Public art
Date 22 December 2005
Venue BTC: CityPark
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production Kapelica Gallery
Language Slovene
Format 720x576 pxl
Duration 60' 08"
Registration number KAP-2005-MED-205


The robot for the materially deprived is constructed entirely from old computer hardware and a few spare parts that can be obtained at no cost. Computers are nowadays more or less treated as basic home equipment and cultural code, no longer reserved for a few privileged individuals as a technology. This is why 'Žicar/Beggar' can step up in the name of the materially deprived, while at the same time preserving their anonymity and dignity. It has access to areas normally off-limits to beggars, such as shopping malls and community events, where the richer part of the society frequents - the part of society that is only able to show some sympathy towards the marginalized if they communicate from a safe distance and via a technological interface. The streets are getting emptier, with people spending more and more of their leisure time in comfy, air-conditioned establishments such as shopping malls - where it is forbidden to beg... at least for people. The money collected in the shopping mall and the gallery, was hand over to asylum seekers camp in Slovenia . It will take women and children from the camp on a day trip.


The robot can work on 220V or on a battery. Except the DVD (or WHS player) which works the whole time, all parts of the robot are started by detector of motion which switches on TV with face animation and hands that collect money. Selection for face animation is optional and up to creator, nevertheless if you want the same animation on your robot as on the clip above you can get the whole thing here :)


The past few years have brought about social changes, which have introduced an increasing percentage of poverty into the general picture of the society. Living in poverty or on the fringe thereof are marginalized groups such as impoverished individuals and families, refugees and asylum seekers, elderly people, disabled people... Most of them, hidden from the public view confined in their homes, will never step onto the street to beg, except in most dire circumstances. Because of technology expansion today, there are many new ways of begging; e-mails with spare some change content, begging web sites, multiplayer games begging. and a robot for materially deprived. 


Singer / voice Govorec 1.1 / Sintetizator slovenskega govora, Jure Leskovec, Inštitut Jožef Stefan
Technical assistance Pavle Sedlaček
Special thanks Sipronika d.o.o. in vsem po lastni želji anonimnim darovalcem,

Artist, artistic group

Sedlaček, Sašo
