The international animation film festival Animateka has since 2005 prepared a programme of educational animated film entitled Elephant aimed at children. This series is intended to allow the younger generation to discover animation as a creative medium, as well as enrich their emotional, social and personal-aesthetic qualities. At City of Women Festival a selection of short drawn-animation films – including
several award winners was shown. The works are the creative endeavours of four provocative young authors who make full use of a pencil and paintbrush in their interpretations of conventional household problems, nostalgic dreams, solitude, love at first sight and environmental issues. The animation entitled (a long day of) Mr. Calpaccio as also shown.
Programme curated by Petra Slatinšek and Igor Prassel
At Home with Mrs. Hen
Direction: Tali; Production NFB (Canada, 35mm, 2006, 7’52’’, drawn and coloured)
Poor Mrs. Hen! Her oldest chick is a temperamental tyke, and even turns his beak up at the meals she serves. One day, Mrs. Hen decides to teach him a lesson…
Printed Rainbow
Direction and production: Gitanjali Rao (India, 35mm, 2006, 15’, drawn and painted)
A big city. A tiny apartment. There, in solitude and against the backdrop of a noisy city, lives an old woman and her cat, stuck in their grinding daily routine. This old lady, however, has a precious collection of matchboxes, and their bright labels open into a myriad of exotic worlds...
Pantofellhelden / A Slippery Tale
Direction: Susanne Seidel; Production: HFF/WDR (Germany, 35mm, 2004, 7’20’’, drawn and coloured)
A male frog falls hopelessly in love with a female frog. She, however, is unimpressed, and won’t budge from her comfy spot on the farmer’s wife’s slipper.
Le Trop Petit Prince / Pipsqueak Prince
Direction: Zoia Trofimova; Production: Folimage (France, 35mm, 2002, 7’, drawn and coloured)
When he notices all the dirty spots the sun has, a clean little boy decides it could use a bath. After he wipes the sun clean, it sets behind the earth, and all is well, that is until the little boy forgets where the sun goes at night!
(a long day of) Mr. Calpaccio
Direction and production: UrumaDelvi (Japan, beta SP, 2005, 7’27’’, computer animation / 2D Computer, Flash)
Mr Calpaccio wakes up, has breakfast and goes to work as usual. Work is his life, he loves his work but he never thinks what he’s working for. Will he discover why?