Slovenia, 2007, DVD, 56’; in Slovene and Serbian, English subtitling)
The amateur film Brut Figures – a film on homeless women and freedom – deals with the dialectics of what is being stereotyped, striving to induce free will both as a process and method. In order to rid themselves of the bourgeois woman within, homeless women forego conventional comfort and instead swear by a body without organs. Brut Figures is a political film which – according to Jean-Luc Godard as summarised in the words of local experts – introduces the notion that film not only deals with its own concept but actually enables a film think. Ergo, according to Slovenian film expert Marcel Štefančič, film is capable to strike us, provoking thoughts and engendering realisation in its audience to a degree that can only be compared to philosophy when using the strikes and power of film. But nothing strikes as hard as artificial freedom, and despite being artificial – is it freedom nonetheless or is it the one and only truth? A friend from Karst would – in a wine cellar with aging domestic existentialism – add: «everything ended before it had even begun...«