List (Leto: 1980)

Occupation Arts and crafts
Born cca. 1980, Germany
Število del v arhivu 11
Art fields Mixed media
Born 1980, New Zealand
City and country of residence Berlin, Germany
Število del v arhivu 2
Occupation Curator
Born 1980, Thessaloniki, Greece
City and country of residence Rotterdam, Netherlands
Število del v arhivu 3
Art fields Kinetic installation, Multimedia installation, Electonic art, Programmed / software art, Robotic art
Born Kranj, ex-Yugoslavia
City and country of residence Škofja Loka, Slovenia
RazUme Database Link to database of artists and exhibitions.
Število del v arhivu 1
Occupation Acting (theatre/film), Dance
Art fields Body-art / Live-art, Perseverance performance, Contemporary dance
Born 1980, Ptuj, ex-Yugoslavia
City and country of residence Maribor
RazUme Database Link to database of artists and exhibitions.
Število del v arhivu 2
Born 1980
City and country of residence Warsaw, Poland
RazUme Database Link to database of artists and exhibitions.
Število del v arhivu 1
Occupation Acting (theatre/film), Directed by
Art fields Burlesque / Cabaret / Varieté, Theatre improvisation
Born 1980, Ljubljana, Slovenia
City and country of residence Ljubljana, Slovenia
Število del v arhivu 1