List (Poklic: Curator)

Occupation Curator
Born 1980, Thessaloniki, Greece
City and country of residence Rotterdam, Netherlands
Število del v arhivu 3
Occupation Curator
Število del v arhivu 9
Occupation Curator
Art fields ,
Born 1961, Kijev, Sovjetska zveza, Ukraine
City and country of residence Ukraine
RazUme Database Link to database of artists and exhibitions.
Število del v arhivu 2
Occupation Curator, Directed by
Art fields Documentary film
Born 1975, Cuba
City and country of residence Spain
RazUme Database Link to database of artists and exhibitions.
Število del v arhivu 1
Occupation Curator
Born 1958, Slovenia
Died 2005, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Število del v arhivu 2