List (Podrocje: Appropriation)

Art fields Appropriation, Intervention art
Born 1971, SFR Jugoslavija / SR Slovenija, ex-Yugoslavia
City and country of residence Ljubljana, Slovenia
RazUme Database Link to database of artists and exhibitions.
Število del v arhivu 3
Occupation Painting
Art fields Contemporary painting, Appropriation, Professor (Academy of Fine Art and Design, Ljubljana)
Born 1973, Ljubljana, SFR Jugoslavija / Slovenija
City and country of residence Ljubljana, Slovenia
RazUme Database Link to database of artists and exhibitions.
Število del v arhivu 2
Occupation Performance, Video
Art fields Concept, Appropriation, Document, Intervention art, Relational art,
Born 1967, Ljubljana, Jugoslavija / Slovenija
RazUme Database Link to database of artists and exhibitions.
Število del v arhivu 4