List (Podrocje: Instrumental music)

Art fields Experimental music, Instrumental music, Live-act
Born 2000
Died 2005
City and country of residence Norway
Število del v arhivu 1
Occupation Music arrangement, Composition
Art fields Sound art, Instrumental music
Born 1958, Washington, D.C., United States
Število del v arhivu 1
Occupation Instrumental music
Art fields Experimental music, Instrumental music, Contemporary composition, Sound performance
Born Good Easter, United Kingdom
City and country of residence United Kingdom
Število del v arhivu 1
Occupation Composition
Art fields Sound installation, Experimental music, Instrumental music
Born 1958, Innsbruck, Austria
City and country of residence Austria
RazUme Database Link to database of artists and exhibitions.
Število del v arhivu 2
Occupation Music arrangement, Conducting, Singer / voice
Art fields Lecture , Instrumental music
Born 1969
City and country of residence United Kingdom
Število del v arhivu 2