Eclipse: Breakfast in the Grass

Eclipse: Breakfast in the Grass

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Title Breakfast in the Grass
Type Performance, Body-art / Live-art
Date 6 January 1999
Venue Kapelica Gallery
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production Kapelica Gallery
Language German
Format 720x576 pxl
Duration 06' 25"
Registration number KAP-1999-PERF-68


The artists are loudly declaring two consistent questions: "Was ist Kitsch? Was ist Kunst?" as a statement, aimed at the institutional critique of art, while putting condoms on plastic penises arranged in the gallery space.

Artist's statement

On the other hand, it could be various animals that we feel differently when they move over the body, and their orifices feel differently. The tickling of feathers, the scales sharpening, claws stitching, teeth biting, a thrill of little legs, the jelly of the epidermis, the softness of skin. Or did the twinkling of things on your body stir up the thought of objects that would remind you little organisms which were embedded in each square millimetre of your skin to continue boring? However, could you determine the crowd of varieties that were forced upon you, drove your passion with your senses or perception, I ask you. No, never... OK, you said, but then an unknown force grabbed you and started pulling with great speed without you releasing where it was taking you. You had the feeling that you were rushing towards a centre, which was absorbing you. You didn't realise that the force was taking you to me, in my home... more... 


Performance Tina Kolenik, Samira Kentić

Artist, artistic group




Related from the AV archive

Eclipse , Venus Test, Ljubljana, 3 March 1999, 02' 02"
Eclipse , Pax Slovenica, Ljubljana, 8 January 2004, 36' 55"
Eclipse , Blood is Sweeter Than Honey, Ljubljana, 2002, 41' 22"
Eclipse , Pornorama 2001, 16 January 2001, 05' 36"
Eclipse , Blood is Sweeter Than Honey [camcoder], Ljubljana, 18 January 2002, 13' 14"