O'Reilly, Kira: Wet Cup

O'Reilly, Kira: Wet Cup

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Title Wet Cup
Type Performance, Body-art / Live-art, Perseverance performance
Venue Kapelica Gallery
City of production Ljubljana
Production Kapelica Gallery
Format 720x576 pxl
Duration 61' 43"
Registration number KAP-2002-PERF-117


The artist deals with opening up the body and includes rituals of marking the body and bloodletting. Her works recognise the meaning of the body but at the same time, they deny it. The audience becomes a partner-in-crime by engaging in the process of confirming and denying what it sees.


“Scars which stay after that procedure are permanent.” 
(Medical Encyclop˛dia)

Source: Kontejner


Curator Olga Majcen Linn, Sunčica Ostoić

Artist, artistic group

Group of artworks

O'Reilly Kira, Wet Cup [interview], Ljubljana, 24' 38"


Festival Break21: Dead or Alive, Ljubljana, 18 June 2002 – 7 July 2002



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