A visual artist, Nataša Skušek’s installations problematizes the stereotypical roles attributed to women by society: Boš Že Videla (You Will See!), Nevidna Grožnja (The Invisible Threat), Break 2.2 Ljubljana, (2003); Wedding, Point of View ~ Standpunkt Euroscreen21projects (2005); Slogani (Slogans), Lebdenje (Floating), Kunstverein Kärnten, Klagenfurt (2006). Since the recent birth of a child, she has to face the challenges of motherhood, which are a common subject in her projects, and such works as Mamica, Dojilja, Žena, Negovalka (Mummy, Breast-feeder, Wife, Nurse), Center & Galerija P74, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2006), and Prosti Čas (Free Time), Galerija Photon, Ljubljana, (2007).