Sanja Ozbolt is a choreographer, dancer and dance teacher. She studied dance at schools and seminars of modern and contemporary dance in Maribor, Zagreb, Rovinj, Vienna, London and Ljubljana. After studying in Ljubljana, she furthered her knowledge at the London Contemporary Dance School in England (1981 - 1983). In the meantime, she actively teached contemporary dance around Slovenia and abroad. She continued her dance path, as a dancer and choreographer, and was creating in contemporary dance groups and theaters in Ljubljana: Studio za svobodni ples, EG Glej, SNG Drama, Slovensko mladinsko gledališče, Mestno gledališče ljubljansko, Plesni Teater Ljubljana, Koreodrama…
As a founding member, she contributed to the founding of the dance theater Plesni Teater Ljubljana (1984), where she was also a member of the artistic direction. and of the association for contemporary dance Društvo za sodobni ples Slovenije (1996). With Rok Vevar, in 2008, she curated the program of dance perspectives festival UKREP. Since 2010 she is a regular high school dance teacher and choreographer at SVŠGL.