Kikimore started creating noise in January 2016 on so-called Noise tea parties at Rampa Lab in Ljubljana, Slovenia, which started within the organization ČIPke – Initiative for researching the conditions of women who are active in the context of science, technology and media art. Their performances are based on improvisation and experiments with sounds employing DIY analog music machines and field recordings. Current noise cast consist of six women: Kati Flowerfields, Staša Guček, Sara Mlakar, Nina Orlić, Sara Pegam and Barbara Poček. Kikimora is a mythological female house spirit in eastern Slavic mythology which is known for producing noises and weird sounds in the middle of the night. Kikimore can seduce you, intrigue you, frighten you or inspire your imagination.
They performed at Synaptic Chill'n'Grill festival (SI), Transforma Festival (SI), Red Dawns festival, Sound arson festival (SI), Sonica Festival (SI), Ment festival (SI), Žižkovska noč (CZ), ITN Festival (SI), Sommerfest (AT). Their compositions were also featured on RADART#8, Women in Sound Women on Sounds, Goldsmiths University, London, broadcasting for one month on WISWOS radio station and Room of Sound, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Electro Acoustic concert by Linda O’Keeffe and Professor Isabel Nogueira, broadcasting the Highly commended from International Women’s Day event from WISWOS.