Sabine Ercklentz

Occupation Instrumental music, Composition
Art fields Music, Experimental music
Born 1967, Mönchengladbach, Germany
City and country of residence Berlin, Germany



Sabine Ercklentz plays it 'the old way' in the United Women's Orchestra, as well as salsa and 'more tangible' jazz, but during her musical exploration she uses it only as a 'sound source'. She practically doesn't use the mouthpiece, and hardly ever a mute, asserting that air and breath are the most important. Thus aeration devoid of any mechanical intermediate device, is processed electronically. This method is again unusual, but in a different way than with Andrea. It also most definitely works, especially between two people who are able to listen to one other. The sample-copy-paste modus forms the basis of a rhythmic cacophony, which is based on the very breath that makes it an aspiration of microtonal practice.


Source: City of Women

Umetniška dela

Type Concert
Date 7 October 2006
City of production Ljubljana
Format 720x576
Duration 15:18

