The project problematizes the low presence and representation of women in public spaces. It derives from a simple question: if the Slovenian capital has as many as 360 monuments of local significance, what is the number of annotations mentioning women? I’m Walking Behind You and Watching You is organized around 4 different formats: a radio intervention (The forgotten half), a performative installation (Alive Sculpture), a performative guided tour (I’m walking behind you and watching you) and a video (Ljubljana – City of Women). The project was made possible by the contribution of many people, among which Alenka Puhar, Iva Tratnik, Zvezdana Novakovič, Ana Sluga, Iva Tratnik, Maja Šubic, Mina Arko, Mojca Smerdu, Rene Rusjan, Saba Skaberne and Sanja Ajdišek.
A short video depicting the state of things regarding women visibility and representation in the public space. It focuses on Vegova street, the “street of monuments”, where suddenly men become women with a little help of video morphing technologies.