Fukuhara, Ryuzo: Dead is Alive

Fukuhara, Ryuzo: Dead is Alive

Views: 42
Title Dead is Alive
Subtitle U3, 9th Triennial of Contemporary Art, Dead or Alive
Type Contemporary art practice, Performance, Public art, Participatory performance, Dance performance
Date 10 October 2019
Venue Museum of Modern Art
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production MG+MSUM
Format 1920x1080 pxl
Duration 05' 41"
URL http://www.mg-lj.si/si/razstave/2713/9-u3-zivo-in-mrtvo/
Registration number MG-2019-PERF-554


Collaboration Alicia Ocadiz, Sašo Rutar, Maša Žekš., Maja Kosec, Katja Kolšek, Brigita Marko, Kaja Janić, Miša Gams, Majda Gregorič, Ryuzo Fukuhara

Artist, artistic group

Fukuhara, Ryuzo

Group of artworks

Huzjan Ištvan Išt, The Last Kolo, Ljubljana, 10 October 2019, 09' 56"
Purg Franc, TrueClueRocket, Ljubljana, 10 October 2019, 09' 01"
Pavlina Iza, Hustler, Ljubljana, 10 October 2019, 07' 06"
Bučar Mateja, 30 Seconds for Preservation, Ljubljana, 10 October 2019, 04' 30"


U3, 9th Triennial of Contemporary Art, Dead or Alive [advertisement], Ljubljana, 10 October 2019 – 12 January 2020, 00' 10"

