Delimar, Vlasta: Power is Equalised [total view]

Delimar, Vlasta: Power is Equalised [total view]

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Title Power is Equalised [total view]
Subtitle Explicite Sexual Practices as an Art Form
Type Performance, Body-art / Live-art, Participatory performance
Date 31 October 1998
Venue Kapelica Gallery
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production Kapelica Gallery
Language English
Format 720x576 pxl
Duration 27' 39"
Registration number KAP-1998-PERF-36
Number of works in a group 3

Artist, artistic group

Group of artworks

Delimar Vlasta, Power is Equalised [close-up recording], Ljubljana, 31 October 1998, 22' 02"
Delimar Vlasta, Power is Equalised [total view], Ljubljana, 31 October 1998, 27' 39"
Delimar Vlasta, Power is Equalised [edited recording], Ljubljana, 31 October 1998, 03' 11"

