Dr. Bara Kolenc is an independent artist and philosopher from Ljubljana. Her fields of work are performative, interdisciplinary and visual arts. She got her bachelors degree (philosophy and comparative literture) and her PhD in philosophy from the Faculty of Arts at the University of Ljubljana. Her theoretical work focuses on theoretical psychoanalysis and structuralism, while also developing theory on performative art in a general sense that points out the problem of repetition.
In the field of theory, she has published works in magazines such as Problemi, Maska, Kultura and has participated on conferences and lectures. In the year 2014 she published her book Ponavljanje in uprizoritev: Kierkegaard, psihoanaliza, gledališče at Analecta.
She is the author of numerous theatre performance, solo performances, performative acts, installations, lectures and lecture-performances. In collaboration with KUD Pozitiv she created many successful theatre performances as a mentor/educator of high school students.
Kolenc is the co-founder of KUD Samosvoj (1999) and founding member and initiator of the Threshold (2009) collective and the international and activist O-jej/Eat-art Collective (2012).