
Subtitle U3, 9th Triennial of Contemporary Art, Dead or Alive
Type Internet art, New-media performance
Date 10 October 2019
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production MG+MSUM
Duration 07:06

Iza Pavlina’s artistic interventions in the porn industry do not touch only on the issues that overlap with art, such as the construction of media images and their aesthetics. She asks what real opportunities young female artists have in[]

Type Vocal performance, New-media performance, Lecture performance
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production Kapelica Gallery
Duration 28:17

In the performance, Ana speaks out and write down the names and surnames of 126 female artists which she has learned by heart by a predefined order. The number of the names is the same as the number of male artists she came up with by[]

Type Vocal performance, New-media performance, Lecture performance, Artist statement
Date 18 January 2011
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production Kapelica Gallery
Duration 05:54

In the performance, Ana speaks out and write down the names and surnames of 126 female artists which she has learned by heart by a predefined order. The number of the names is the same as the number of male artists she came up with by[]

Type Interactive art, Programmed / software art, Sound art, Experimental music, Programmed music, Sound performance, New-media performance, Audio-visual performance
Date 2 December 2009
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production Kapelica Gallery, Praksa
Duration 10:37

The Arsenal DEPO programme is published on radioCona that was broadcasting the events on 88.8 MHz.

Type Multimedia installation, Generative art, Interactive art, Programmed / software art, Radio art, Robotic art, Sound art, Experimental music, Computer art, Programmed music, Sound performance, Action, New-media performance, Audio-visual performance, Analogue electronics music
Date 1 December 2009 – 4 December 2009
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production Kapelica Gallery, Praksa
Duration 19:04

The Arsenal DEPO programme is published on radioCona that was broadcasting the events on 88.8 MHz. []

Type Multimedia installation, Biotechnological Art, Generative art, Programmed / software art, New-media performance
Date 30 September 2008
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production Kapelica Gallery
Duration 55:29

Electromagnetic waves from space in the frequency 10.95 – 11.7 GHz are captured with a radio receiver and computer interface, and translated into signals that the performer senses through electrodes attached to her body. The electrodes attached[]

Subtitle [Ekologija tehno uma]
Type Interactive art, Programmed / software art, Sound art, Experimental music, Live-act, Programmed music, New-media performance, Audio-visual performance
Date September 2008
City of production Linz, Austria
Production Kapelica Gallery
Duration 16:07

The two performers are connected to the instruments’ electronic network. They can produce sound by approaching each other and further, by establishing any form of physical contact like touching, hitting, kissing, etc. The sound that they[]

Type Sound installation, Programmed / software art, Sound art, Experimental music, Programmed music, Sound performance, New-media performance, Audio-visual performance
Date 26 August 2008
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production Kapelica Gallery
Duration 50:55

A solo performance including sound, video, video motion capture, text and body positions, dealing with bodies, machines, and everything in-between.

Type New-media performance
Date 3 October 2006
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production City of Women
Duration 23:20


Type New-media performance, Dance performance
Date 5 October 2004
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production City of Women
Duration 14:01


Type Burlesque / Cabaret / Varieté, New-media performance
Date 5 October 2004
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production City of Women
Duration 34:14


Type Kinetic installation, Information art, Cybernetics, Robotic art, New-media performance
Date 17 December 2003
Production Kapelica Gallery
City of production Slovenia
Duration 55:50

Notice: The recording is damaged in the first 9 minutes. 

Subtitle An Exercise in Remote Intimacy
Type Cybernetics, New-media performance
Date 15 October 2003
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production City of Women
Co-production Kapelica Gallery
Duration 25:25


Type Sound art, Video installation, Body-art / Live-art, New-media performance
Date 14 December 2001
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production Zavod C.C.C.
Co-production Kapelica Gallery
Duration 19:05

Type Biotechnological Art, Generative art, Interactive art, Programmed / software art, Robotic art, Computer art, New-media performance
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production Kapelica Gallery, Mednarodni festival računalniške umetnosti, MKC Maribor
Duration 00:40

Subtitle [take: close-up]
Type Sound installation, Robotic art, Sound art, Experimental music, Sound performance, Vocal performance, New-media performance
Date 23 November 1999
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production Kapelica Gallery
Duration 37:03

Type Interactive installation, Interactive art, Robotic art, Sound art, Body-art / Live-art, New-media performance
Date 2 March 1999
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production Kapelica Gallery
Duration 22:43

Interactive mechatronic performance. One performer is wearing a dreskeleton (an exoskeletal body interface), narrating a myth accompanied by four musical robots, interactive sound, virtual images and video. []

Type Interactive installation, Information art, Robotic art, Sound art, Body-art / Live-art, New-media performance
Date 2 March 1999
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production Kapelica Gallery
Duration 01:30

Interactive mechatronic performance. One performer is wearing a dreskeleton (an exoskeletal body interface), narrating a myth accompanied by four musical robots, interactive sound, virtual images and video. []

Type Programmed / software art, Robotic art, Computer art, Body-art / Live-art, New-media performance
Date 12 June 1996
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production Kapelica Gallery
Duration 01:29

A system has been developed for the actuation of a body. A touch - screen interface to a multiple muscle stimulator allows the body's movements to be programmed by touching the muscle - sites on the computer model. Orange flesh maps the possible[]