BrainTV / rcv: 10.95 - 11.7 GHz, snd: 5.8 GHz

BrainTV / rcv: 10.95 - 11.7 GHz, snd: 5.8 GHz

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Title BrainTV / rcv: 10.95 - 11.7 GHz, snd: 5.8 GHz
Type Installation, Media art, Performance, Multimedia installation, Biotechnological Art, Generative art, Programmed / software art, New-media performance
Date 30 September 2008
Venue Kapelica Gallery
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production Kapelica Gallery
Format 720x576 pxl
Duration 55' 29"
Registration number KAP-2008-MED-174


Electromagnetic waves from space in the frequency 10.95 – 11.7 GHz are captured with a radio receiver and computer interface, and translated into signals that the performer senses through electrodes attached to her body. The electrodes attached to the performer's head, meanwhile, create a direct link between the brain and another computer interface which maps the brainwaves during her sensory reactions in real time. The interface translates the brainwaves into a computer which generates the graphic environment in video projections. The body's sensory reactions are captured by a third interface, which broadcasts the information on the 5.8 GHz frequency, which is allocated to scientifc research.


The project is conceived as a poetic representation of a proces which explores the interdependence of frequential properties of the human body with the frequencies emitted by our immediate environment.


Programmer Luka Prinčič
Advisor Luka Prinčič
Special thanks DRAGAN SAVIĆ, dr. Boštjan Batagelj, Vojko Andjelić, Andrej Strehovec
Performance Alenka Marinič

Artist, artistic group

