Bartol Indoš, Damir: Rough Ride or of the Spirit

Bartol Indoš, Damir: Rough Ride or of the Spirit

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Title Rough Ride or of the Spirit
Type Installation, Media art, Music, Sound installation, Robotic art, Experimental music, Sound performance
Date 17 October 2000
Venue AKC Metelkova, Menza pri Koritu
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production Kapelica Gallery
Co-production KUD Mreža, Društvo za zaščito ateističnih čustev
Format 720x576 pxl
Duration 31' 19"
Registration number KAP-2000-MED-142
Number of works in a group 2


Instrumental music Damir Bartol Indoš
Composition Helge Hinteregger
Editing (film, video) Nicole Hewitt

Artist, artistic group

Group of artworks

Bartol Indoš Damir, Rough Ride or of the Spirit, Ljubljana, 17 October 2000, 32' 26"
Bartol Indoš Damir, Rough Ride or of the Spirit, Ljubljana, 17 October 2000, 31' 19"



KUD Mreža
Društvo za zaščito ateističnih čustev

Related from the AV archive

Bartol Indoš Damir, Lajka – First Dog in the Universe, Ljubljana, 23 November 1999, 37' 03"