Merz, Mario; Rist, Pipilotti; Zitko, Otto; Bourgeois, Louise; Laib, Wolfgang; Merz, Marisa; Rhoades, Jason; Spitzer, Serge: Epicenter Ljubljana

Merz, Mario; Rist, Pipilotti; Zitko, Otto; Bourgeois, Louise; Laib, Wolfgang; Merz, Marisa; Rhoades, Jason; Spitzer, Serge: Epicenter Ljubljana

The video is subject to copyright law. For viewing, please visit us at +MSUM for individual viewing. More info.
Title Epicenter Ljubljana
Type Installation, Sculpture, Mixed media, Contemporary Sculpture, Documentary video
Date 8 April 1997 – 31 May 1997
Format 720x540 pxl
Duration 04' 31"
URL Študijska VHS kaseta iz Info centra Moderne galerije
Registration number MG-1997--213
