List (Leto: 1966)

Art fields Contemporary photography, Mixed media, Video installation, Intervention art
Born Jerusalem, Israel
City and country of residence London, United Kingdom
RazUme Database Link to database of artists and exhibitions.
Število del v arhivu 6
Occupation Singer / voice
Born 1966, Visp, Switzerland
City and country of residence Switzerland
Število del v arhivu 1
Art fields Vocal music, Body-art / Live-art
Born 1966, Linz, Austria
RazUme Database Link to database of artists and exhibitions.
Število del v arhivu 1
Occupation Director, Dramaturgy, Translation, Directed by
Art fields Documentary film
Born 1966, Slovenia
City and country of residence Slovenia
Število del v arhivu 1
Occupation Theory
Born 1966, Rijeka, ex-Yugoslavia
City and country of residence Zagreb, Croatia
RazUme Database Link to database of artists and exhibitions.
Število del v arhivu 3
Art fields Documentary film, Video installation, Durational project
Born 1966, Zagreb, Croatia
City and country of residence Berlin, Germany
RazUme Database Link to database of artists and exhibitions.
Število del v arhivu 4
Occupation Singer / voice
Born 1966, Romania
Število del v arhivu 1
Occupation Directed by, Screenplay
Art fields Feature film
Born 1966, France
City and country of residence France
Število del v arhivu 1
Occupation Acting (theatre/film), Directed by
Art fields Multimedia project
Born 1966, Berjut, Lebanon
City and country of residence Lebanon
Število del v arhivu 3
Art fields cyberformance
Born 1966, Dunedin, New Zealand
City and country of residence New Zealand
Število del v arhivu 1
Art fields Experimental video
Born 1966, Pennsylvanija, United States
City and country of residence New York City & Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
Število del v arhivu 1