List (Leto: 1984)

Born 1984, Kranj, Slovenia
RazUme Database Link to database of artists and exhibitions.
Število del v arhivu 1
Occupation Directed by, Screenplay
Art fields Short film
Born 1984, Manila, Philippines
Število del v arhivu 3
Occupation Comic artist, Editorial
Art fields Illustration
Born 1984, Ljubljana, Slovenia
City and country of residence Kranj, Slovenia
RazUme Database Link to database of artists and exhibitions.
Število del v arhivu 2
Born 1984, Ljubljana, ex-Yugoslavia
City and country of residence Slovenia
RazUme Database Link to database of artists and exhibitions.
Število del v arhivu 5
Art fields Workshop, Participatory performance
Born 1984, Zagreb, SFR Jugoslavija / SR Hrvaška, ex-Yugoslavia
City and country of residence Amsterdam, Netherlands
Število del v arhivu 2
Art fields Animation, Documentary film, Video installation, Interactive art
Born 1984, Šempeter pri Gorici, SFR Jugoslavija / SR Slovenija, ex-Yugoslavia
City and country of residence Ljubljana, Slovenia
RazUme Database Link to database of artists and exhibitions.
Število del v arhivu 1