Showcase Event

Subtitle Marathon Guided Tour. 70+7
Type Guided tour
Date 6 June 2018
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production MG+MSUM
Duration 24:04

The marathon guide was part of the program to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Museum of Modern Art and the seventh anniversary of the opening of the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova. Unlike the ordinary public guided tours[]

Type Video installation, Biotechnological Art, Artist talk, Public interview, Guided tour
Date 15 February 2018
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production MG+MSUM, Projekt Atol Institute
Duration 25:56

In Piscis ludicrous / Transfixed Gaze (Lygophilia) she showcases a non-human-subject, the Mexican salamander known as axolotl – one of many non-furry friends that have long transfixed the human mind – through different narratives: []

Type Artivism, Mixed media, Public art, Mass media art, Guided tour
Date 1 February 2018
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production MG+MSUM
Duration 62:39

Type Artivism, Concept, Relational art, Artist talk, Public interview, Guided tour
Date 30 November 2017
Production MG+MSUM
City of production Slovenia
Duration 29:44

The Green Drawings is a project that uses the logic of free market capitalism to limit the total amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere. Current environmental politics put great faith in the free market to govern[]

Type Guided tour, Retrospective exhibition
Date 19 October 2017
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production MG+MSUM
Duration 81:45

In 2007, three Slovenian artists joined the conservative Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) and officially changed their names to that of the leader of the party, the Prime Minister of Slovenia at the time, Janez Janša. While they renamed[]

Type Site-specific, Sound installation, Concept, Artist talk, Public interview, Guided tour, Action
Date 19 September 2017
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production MG+MSUM
Duration 31:50

In Pavilion, Peter Rauch continues to follow the method developed in his series Objects and Community, basing his approach on his understanding of the correlation between an object and its function, or the meaning of an object and[]

Type Video installation, Sound installation, Programmed / software art, Video installation, Artist talk, Public interview, Guided tour
Date 8 September 2015 – 1 November 2015
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production MG+MSUM
Duration 13:41

In his minimalist installations of the last two years, Anže Sever’s focus has been on visible reality and the hidden potentials of space, which he explores with technology, light, and sound, and tests with disruptions, duration, and motion. []

Type Kinetic installation, Multimedia installation, Programmed / software art, Robotic art, Artist talk, Public interview, Guided tour
Date 7 July 2015
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production MG+MSUM
Duration 21:46

Sanela Jahić is an intermedia artist who constructs visual and technologically supported kinetic objects and installations. Through technological tools, she problematizes society and individuals in it. In her latest production the artist places the[]

Type Artist talk, Public interview, Guided tour
Date 5 May 2015
Production MG+MSUM
City of production Slovenia
Duration 47:58

In recent years we have seen the emergence of urban community gardens, which are more than just about gardening, they are also a form of self-organizing and self-management, and a testing ground for diverse models of community living. New generations[]

Type Artist talk, Public interview, Guided tour
Date 15 March 2015
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production MG+MSUM
Duration 62:24

Primož Bizjak explores local histories, borders, and symbolic boundaries. His interest focuses on space and architecture as they relate to society and the time we live in. Characteristic of his photographic approach is the use of long exposures,[]

Subtitle 11 November 2014 — 04 January 2015
Type Artist talk, Public interview, Guided tour
Date 11 November 2014 – 4 January 2015
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production MG+MSUM
Duration 34:30

Arjan Pregl's artistic practice expands into social space, making use of and critically reflecting (on) various available media. Taking into consideration his own role in society, Pregl develops critical, political, and resistance strategies. In[]

Type Contemporary painting, Veduta, Artist talk, Public interview, Guided tour
Date 14 September 2014
Production MG+MSUM
City of production Slovenia
Duration 26:36

The works at the Triple Section exhibition connect urban situations in Brborović's two cities of residence. Though the works form parts of different series, the works on show here tell a tale of industrial areas and housing[]

Type Artist talk, Public interview, Guided tour, Realistic painting
Date 13 June 2014
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production MG+MSUM
Duration 35:45

Potočnik's banal direct realism attempts to present something spectacular or overlooked for the viewer to re-evaluate it. The choice of motives is dictated by everyday life events and the environment, and the painter is not particular or[]

Type Experimental video, Narrative video, Artist talk, Public interview, Guided tour
Date 29 May 2014
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production MG+MSUM
Duration 18:33

Meta Grgurevič deals with questions of intimacy; cleansed elements of everyday life, traces of history and memory, playfulness of figures, enhanced triviality of objects and pop culture. []

Type Public art, Guided tour
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production City of Women
Duration 10:46

The project problematizes the low presence and representation of women in public spaces. It derives from a simple question: if the Slovenian capital has as many as 360 monuments of local significance, what is the number of annotations mentioning[]

Type Guided tour, Group exhibition
Date 8 October 2006
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production City of Women
Duration 07:12


Type Documentary video, , Guided tour
Date 1991
City of production Germany
Duration 42:15

Subtitle Recent Painting in Slovenia
Type Contemporary painting, Artist talk, Guided tour
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production MG+MSUM

During the duration of Time Without Innocence. Recent Painting in Slovenia exhibition that posed the question of "What is the status of painting today?" the exhibited painters presented their work in short 20 minutes-long artist[]